Analisis Nilai Conformity Index (CI) Dan Homogeneity Index (HI) Hasil Planning Penyinaran Pasien Kanker Paru

  • Eri Puspita Sari PARI
  • Agnes Sprakezia Lubis Department of Physics, Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
  • Raditya Faradina Pratiwi Department of Physics, Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
  • Aditya Tri Oktaviana Department of Physics, Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Radiotherapy; Cancer Lungs; Conformity Index; Homogeneity Index


Background: The objective of radiotherapy is to give a maximum dose which very closely conforms to the target volume homogeneously, while minimizing the dose to the surrounding normal tissue and Organs at Risk (OAR). For that reason, Conformity Index (CI) and Homogeneity Index (HI) are two important tools in evaluating treatment planning in radiotherapy, because it can help evaluate the conformity level as well dose distribution uniformity in the target volume. One of the clinical competences which must be owned by a Radiotherapist is that he/she must be able to evaluate the irradiation treatment planningresults. In relation to which, this research aims to describe radiotherapy irradiation procedure of Lungs Cancer as well as to identify and analyze CI and HI values of lungs cancer planning results in Radiotherapy Installation of Siloam MRCCC Hospital Semanggi.

Methods: As for the research design used is observational research by applying a qualitative descriptive method undertaken at Radiotherapy Installation of Siloam MRCCC Hospital Semanggi by using secondary data as many as 20 lungs cancer patients starting from January up to June 2023.

Results: This research suggests that out of 20 patient samples of lungs cancer planning results, found that there are 4 samples of CI value classified into the criteria of a little bit in deviation according to RTOG. This matter is caused by an adjacent tumor location with OAR, in the effort to maintain that OAR is appropriate with the desired dose contraint, the target area of tumor may be underdosed, consequently the result of CI is less conformal. For HI values, all 20 samples have produced high dose distribution homogeneity.

Conclusions: Out of 20 patient samples of lungs cancer planning results, found that the range mark of CI is 0.965–1.223 and the range of HI value is 0.041–0.133. There are 4 samples of CI value classified into the criteria of a little bit in deviation according to RTOG. For HI values, all 20 samples have produced high dose distribution homogeneity.

How to Cite
Eri Puspita Sari, Agnes Sprakezia Lubis, Raditya Faradina Pratiwi, & Aditya Tri Oktaviana. (2024). Analisis Nilai Conformity Index (CI) Dan Homogeneity Index (HI) Hasil Planning Penyinaran Pasien Kanker Paru . JRI (Jurnal Radiografer Indonesia), 7(1), 7-11.